Managers have always had to keep up with the most current pay rates and salary trends to recruit and retain top talent, but in today’s quickly changing job market doing so is essential.

That’s why we publish a salary guide each year. The Canadian Salary Guide From Robert Half features starting salary ranges for hundreds of positions across the fields of accounting and finance, technology, marketing and creative, administrative and customer support, legal, and human resources. The guide includes exclusive data gathered from recent Robert Half surveys and salary information for professionals we’ve matched with employers across the country.

Where our salary data comes from

The starting salaries for each position listed in the guide are based on actual compensation for professionals we’ve matched with employers across the country, as well as third-party job posting data from TalentNeuron to supplement the salary ranges. Using state-of-the-art large language models, each salary record is analyzed and categorized by its job title and years of experience required. Our salary projections take into account the current and expected demand for each position, the supply of talent, and other market conditions. We also consult our recruiters for their knowledge of their local markets and additional data. The salaries presented are the result of a rigorous, multistep process to ensure our projections for starting salaries accurately reflect the marketplace.

The salaries represent starting compensation only, meaning pay for someone new to a company in the position listed. Our estimates do not include bonuses, benefits or perks. Since professionals joining a company may enter at a variety of experience levels, we report salaries in ranges.

In addition, we divide the salary ranges across three percentiles. Many of our clients want to see the low and high end of the average starting salary range, as well as what they’d have to pay to attract candidates at various levels of experience, expertise and market demand. These percentiles are a more detailed look at the criteria that can drive one candidate’s salary higher than another’s.

The salary range percentiles are based on the following candidate attributes:


The candidate is new to the role with little or no experience and requires more than casual instruction and supervision to perform day-to-day duties.


The candidate has the experience to consistently perform core responsibilities without direct supervision and is very comfortable with the processes and subject matter associated with role.


The candidate’s value to the organization goes far beyond the ability to perform normal job duties; the candidate has rare qualifications that enable consistent contribution in a unique way through special duties and is ready to advance to the next career level when the opportunity is available.

You can customize the salary data by your location

The salary ranges we list are national averages. Since compensation can vary significantly by geographic location, we provide local variances in the guide, and our Salary Calculator adjusts salaries to specific markets. We determine these variances based on input from our local management teams and their knowledge of their markets, including:

  • Local economic conditions
  • Cost of living
  • Job growth
  • Hiring demand and the ability to attract skilled talent
  • Variances for neighboring cities in the region or similar cities in the country

Businesses may need to offer a higher salary than what’s listed in the Salary Guide for candidates in very high demand. A boost may also be necessary if the hiring manager knows that a candidate has received offers from other firms. In addition, an enhanced salary could be required if the company doesn’t offer attractive benefits and perks, including off-site work arrangements.

When it’s time to consider compensation, benchmark pay or negotiate salaries, check out the Salary Guide From Robert Half. There’s no better source for gaining insight into salary and hiring trends in today’s market.